“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” Benjamin Franklin, Nov. 11, 1755 (1)(2)
Any present or yet future “COVID restrictions” are no longer about COVID. That fact is now so clearly self-evident that we won’t even argue the point. Any further “public health” restrictions are nothing less than an assault by a totalitarian minded elite against you as an individual, your family, the church, your business, and our Creator. The time has come for everyone, individually and corporately, to decide where they stand. That is the reason for this statement.
Circa Real Estate Group will not bow the knee to petty tyrants, unelected bureaucrats, or unlawful orders from any source. Resistance is now our duty, and further compliance is complicity.
1. We will not wear masks. They do not work in any measurable way (outside of very tightly controlled clinical settings). They contribute to the spreading of more germs via touch. They are bad for society as they literally “de-face” human beings. They are bad for children’s development. They are an obvious security concern. They have been used to foment fear so that we’ll accept other, more sinister, regulations.
2. We will not be vaccinated for COVID. The vaccine does not prevent transmission. It only appears to provide a slight reduction in risk of severe COVID. There are significant adverse side effects. The efficacy is extremely short lived, hence the need for continual boosters. Every booster is another chance at an adverse side effect. Those with natural immunity are better protected than those with the vaccine (as has been the case with every other vaccine in history). The long term side effects of the vaccine, if any, are by definition, completely unknown.
3. We reject any/all attempts to coerce people into taking a vaccine against their will. This goes against every ethical principle of medicine including the Nuremberg Code. This is particularly egregious when the vaccine in question is still experimental.
4. We will not participate in routine testing for various privileges. Submitting to testing as a routine matter in order to travel or attend an event only lends legitimacy to the tyranny.
5. We will not close down for any lockdown orders. Everyone’s business should be considered essential. The right to work is a basic part of our humanity – the idea that the government can just pay you for lost work fails to acknowledge the inherent value of working. Lockdowns don’t work anyway, so even if they weren’t evil on their face, they would still be a bad idea.
6. We will not participate in contact tracing, vaccine passports, or similar measures. I shouldn’t have to explain this. Current steps towards vaccine passports are a clear and obvious step towards a full blown social credit system (i.e. similar to what they already have in China).
7. We will not try to avoid in person contact. We will not participate in “virtual” replacements for things that should be done in person. We are embodied beings who are intended to live with others IRL – attempts to disrupt in person contact is nothing less than psychological warfare. The dynamics of communication via zoom or other virtual platform is only a token replacement at best for in person interaction.
8. We will not cooperate with any other business or government in asking you to do these things which we won’t do ourselves.
Of course, there’s a chance you disagree with us about the above matters. That’s OK – we’re not turning away clients who have different views – we just want to be up front about where we stand. If, for any reason, you are not comfortable working with us, we encourage you to find another real estate brokerage who can better meet your needs.
(1) This quote is taken from a letter written by Franklin for Pennsylvania Assembly to Governor Morris on November 11, 1755. Read the full letter here.
(2) For more background on the conflict between Governor Morris and the Assembly, a quick primer on Morris is a good start.